Adinor Jose Capellesso
Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
AD Scientific Index ID: 4640407
Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Santa Catarina IFSC
In Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina IFSC (194) | In Brazil (76,125) | In Latin America (193,150) | World (2,400,065) | ||
H Index (Total) | 10 | #19 | #33,800 | #59,838 | #935,869 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 9 | #17 | #30,203 | #53,353 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
90% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 11 | #19 | #33,539 | #59,136 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 9 | #17 | #29,655 | #52,131 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 81% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 417 | #18 | #35,150 | #62,487 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 282 | #20 | #31,652 | #56,750 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 67% | ||||
Agriculture & Forestry * |
#2 (5) * |
#1,397 (2,332) * |
(5,383) * |
(57,625) * |
Agriculture * agroecologia | desenvolvimento | território | fruticultura | |
#2 (3) * |
#601 (988) * |
(2,277) * |
(14,913) * |
* Oct 15, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina IFSC Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Johan Six
Johan Six
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich
World Rank #2,401
Andrew Sharpley
Andrew Sharpley
University of Arkansas Fayetteville
World Rank #2,867
Qirong Shen
Qirong Shen
Nanjing Agricultural University
World Rank #2,981
Kadambot HM Siddique
Kadambot HM Siddique
University of Western Australia
World Rank #3,597
Ken E Giller
Ken E Giller
Wageningen University & Research Centre
World Rank #3,757
Lihua Xiao
Lihua Xiao
South China Agricultural University
World Rank #4,162
Tim A Mcallister
Tim A Mcallister
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
World Rank #4,417
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
World Rank #4,875
Seid Mahdi Jafari
Seid Mahdi Jafari
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
World Rank #5,172
Michael Donoghue
Michael Donoghue
Yale University
World Rank #5,297
Brazil: Top 10 Scientists in Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
World Rank #4,971
Cimélio Bayer
Cimélio Bayer
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS
World Rank #32,259
Ricardo Antunes Azevedo
Ricardo Antunes Azevedo
Universidade de São Paulo USP
World Rank #41,996
F Murilo Zerbini
F Murilo Zerbini
Universidade Federal de Viçosa UFV
World Rank #50,560
Universidade Federal Fluminense
World Rank #52,498
Marisa De Cássia Piccolo
Marisa De Cássia Piccolo
Universidade de São Paulo USP
World Rank #56,812
Dalvan Jose Reinert
Dalvan Jose Reinert
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM
World Rank #60,007
Carlos Crusciol
Carlos Crusciol
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
World Rank #61,946
Fabrício Ávila Rodrigues
Fabrício Ávila Rodrigues
Universidade Federal de Viçosa UFV
World Rank #64,706
Ciro Rosolem
Ciro Rosolem
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
World Rank #65,422
Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina IFSC: Top 10 Scientists in Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Rogerio De Oliveira Anese
Rogerio De Oliveira Anese
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #395,577
Adinor Jose Capellesso
Adinor Jose Capellesso
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #933,537
Cesar Rogerio Cabral
Cesar Rogerio Cabral
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #2,090,595
Brazil: Top 10 Scientists in Agriculture & Forestry
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Beatriz De Nadai Gasparini
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #4,971
Luiz Aragao
Luiz Aragao
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #15,062
Pedro Brancalion
Pedro Brancalion
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #27,428
Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri
Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri
Agriculture & Forestry
Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition
World Rank #27,639
Niro Higuchi
Niro Higuchi
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #27,685
Albert GJ Tacon
Albert GJ Tacon
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #29,572
Cimélio Bayer
Cimélio Bayer
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #32,259
José Miguel Reichert|José M Reichert, J M Reichert
José Miguel Reichert|José M Reichert, J M Reichert
Agriculture & Forestry
Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition
World Rank #33,579
Rafael Oliveira
Rafael Oliveira
Agriculture & Forestry
Plant Science
World Rank #39,416
Bernardo Baldisserotto
Bernardo Baldisserotto
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #39,780
Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina IFSC: Top 10 Scientists
Odimar Zanuzo Zanardi
Odimar Zanuzo Zanardi
World Rank #344,266
Rogerio De Oliveira Anese
Rogerio De Oliveira Anese
Agriculture & Forestry
World Rank #391,215
Michael Ramos Nunes
Michael Ramos Nunes
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #392,009
Maick Da Silveira Viana
Maick Da Silveira Viana
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #559,208
Tiago Savi Mondo
Tiago Savi Mondo
Social Sciences
Tourism & Hospitality
World Rank #564,834
Eduardo Cargnin Ferreira
Eduardo Cargnin Ferreira
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #613,856
Manoela Alano Vieira
Manoela Alano Vieira
Engineering & Technology
Food Science and Engineering
World Rank #661,647
Joaquim Manoel Goncalves
Joaquim Manoel Goncalves
Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
World Rank #664,252
Sergio Luciano Avila
Sergio Luciano Avila
World Rank #762,765
Matheus Uba Chupel
Matheus Uba Chupel
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #792,919