Ira Gang
Economics & Econometrics / Economics
AD Scientific Index ID: 1445936
Rutgers University
In Rutgers The State University of New Jersey (2,381) | In United States (449,092) | In North America (509,437) | World (2,400,184) | ||
H Index (Total) | 37 | #170 | #54,745 | #61,918 | #164,176 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 21 | #271 | #83,073 | #93,923 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
56% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 84 | #130 | #43,195 | #49,334 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 36 | #240 | #75,106 | #85,466 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 42% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 5,985 | #196 | #62,812 | #70,213 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 1,485 | #333 | #107,880 | #120,923 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 24% | ||||
Economics & Econometrics * |
(57) * |
#1,203 (12,331) * |
(13,647) * |
(72,192) * |
Economics * Development Economics | Comparative Economics | Labor | Migration | Political Economy | |
(29) * |
#909 (7,241) * |
(8,037) * |
(41,128) * |
* Oct 13, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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University / Institution Rankings
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Joseph E Stiglitz
Joseph E Stiglitz
Columbia University New York
World Rank #187
Amartya Kumar Sen
Amartya Kumar Sen
Harvard University
World Rank #563
James Heckman
James Heckman
University of Chicago
World Rank #904
Daron Acemoğlu
Daron Acemoğlu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
World Rank #972
Andrei Shleifer
Andrei Shleifer
Harvard University
World Rank #991
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
Carnegie Mellon University
World Rank #1,159
Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik
Harvard University
World Rank #1,703
Jean Tirole
Jean Tirole
Toulouse School of Economics
World Rank #1,796
Martin Knapp
Martin Knapp
London School of Economics and Political Science
World Rank #2,339
Richard B Freeman
Richard B Freeman
National Bureau of Economic Research
World Rank #2,616
United States: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Joseph E Stiglitz
Joseph E Stiglitz
Columbia University New York
World Rank #187
Amartya Kumar Sen
Amartya Kumar Sen
Harvard University
World Rank #563
James Heckman
James Heckman
University of Chicago
World Rank #904
Daron Acemoğlu
Daron Acemoğlu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
World Rank #972
Andrei Shleifer
Andrei Shleifer
Harvard University
World Rank #991
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
Carnegie Mellon University
World Rank #1,159
Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik
Harvard University
World Rank #1,703
Richard B Freeman
Richard B Freeman
National Bureau of Economic Research
World Rank #2,616
Philippe Aghion
Philippe Aghion
Harvard University
World Rank #3,107
Rafael Fonseca
Rafael Fonseca
Mayo Clinic
World Rank #3,124
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Ira Gang
Ira Gang
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #162,327
Yana Van Der Meulen Rodgers
Yana Van Der Meulen Rodgers
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #168,280
Jennifer Hunt
Jennifer Hunt
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #189,352
Paul Jargowsky
Paul Jargowsky
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #309,573
Todd Keister
Todd Keister
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #350,053
Mark Mcgovern
Mark Mcgovern
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #395,941
Hilary Sigman
Hilary Sigman
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #408,443
Mariana Spatareanu
Mariana Spatareanu
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #483,760
Mary L Rigdon
Mary L Rigdon
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #703,222
Noha Emara
Noha Emara
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #731,201
United States: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics
Joseph E Stiglitz
Joseph E Stiglitz
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #187
Amartya Kumar Sen
Amartya Kumar Sen
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #563
James Heckman
James Heckman
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #904
Daron Acemoğlu
Daron Acemoğlu
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #972
Andrei Shleifer
Andrei Shleifer
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #991
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
George Loewenstein|George Lowenstein, George Freud Loewenstein
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,159
Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,703
Asli Demirguc-Kunt
Asli Demirguc-Kunt
Economics & Econometrics
Accounting & Finance
World Rank #2,556
Richard B Freeman
Richard B Freeman
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #2,616
John List
John List
Economics & Econometrics
Environmental Economics
World Rank #2,826
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey: Top 10 Scientists
Gary Aston Jones
Gary Aston Jones
World Rank #5,638
Jing Li (李静)
Jing Li (李静)
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #6,896
Ilya Raskin
Ilya Raskin
World Rank #8,706
Paul Duberstein
Paul Duberstein
Medical and Health Sciences
Epidemiology and Public Health
World Rank #9,707
Leonard Feldman
Leonard Feldman
Natural Sciences
World Rank #11,600
H Richard Alexander
H Richard Alexander
Medical and Health Sciences
General Surgery
World Rank #12,038
Hui Xiong
Hui Xiong
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #12,136
Benjamin F Crabtree
Benjamin F Crabtree
World Rank #12,876
Jonathan Potter
Jonathan Potter
Business & Management
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #13,444
David Zald
David Zald
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #14,992