Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Business & Management / Strategic Management
AD Scientific Index ID: 4534326
Ферганский Политехнический Институт
In Ferghana Polytechnic Institute (226) | In Uzbekistan (6,782) | In Asia (687,054) | World (2,400,065) | ||
H Index (Total) | 12 | #21 | #473 | #166,229 | #780,496 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 12 | #24 | #445 | #149,568 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
100% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 16 | #17 | #425 | #155,515 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 16 | #17 | #369 | #133,405 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 100% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 339 | #30 | #730 | #233,179 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 338 | #28 | #605 | #199,506 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 99% | ||||
Business & Management * |
(6) * |
#9 (137) * |
(29,970) * |
(90,090) * |
Strategic Management * Менеджмент | экономика | |
(4) * |
#4 (53) * |
(5,021) * |
(10,380) * |
* Oct 15, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
Fergana Polytechnic Institute
World: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management / Strategic Management
Michael A Hitt
Michael A Hitt
Texas A&M University
World Rank #1,598
Henry Mintzberg
Henry Mintzberg
McGill University
World Rank #2,562
Rob Law
Rob Law
University of Macau
World Rank #3,557
T Ramayah|Ramayah Thurasamy, Thurasamy, R.
T Ramayah|Ramayah Thurasamy, Thurasamy, R.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
World Rank #4,026
Danny Miller
Danny Miller
HEC Montréal École de Gestion
World Rank #4,330
Agus Purwanto
Agus Purwanto
Universitas Pelita Harapan
World Rank #4,578
Dimitrios Buhalis
Dimitrios Buhalis
Bournemouth University
World Rank #4,763
AB Pandit
AB Pandit
Institute of Chemical Technology
World Rank #7,299
Donald C Hambrick
Donald C Hambrick
Pennsylvania State University
World Rank #8,070
Christian M Ringle
Christian M Ringle
Technische Universität Hamburg Harburg
World Rank #8,357
Uzbekistan: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management / Strategic Management
Bobir Tursunov
Bobir Tursunov
Tashkent State University of Economics
World Rank #222,375
Жасур Ризаев
Жасур Ризаев
Samarkand State Medical Institute
World Rank #222,463
Sanjar Mirzaliev
Sanjar Mirzaliev
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
World Rank #632,136
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute
World Rank #778,615
Bobur Urinov
Bobur Urinov
Tashkent State University of Economics
World Rank #853,553
Nilufar Rasulova
Nilufar Rasulova
Tashkent Pediatric Medicine Institute
World Rank #865,386
Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna
Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna
Tashkent Pediatric Medicine Institute
World Rank #931,098
Gulchekhra Djalilova
Gulchekhra Djalilova
Tashkent Pediatric Medicine Institute
World Rank #948,609
Dadajonova Martabakhan Makhmudovna|Дадажонова Мартабахон Махмудовна, Dadajonova Martabakhon Mahmudovna
Dadajonova Martabakhan Makhmudovna|Дадажонова Мартабахон Махмудовна, Dadajonova Martabakhon Mahmudovna
Andijan Machine Building Institute
World Rank #948,649
Mukhamedova Nigora Saydimukhtarovna
Mukhamedova Nigora Saydimukhtarovna
Tashkent Pediatric Medicine Institute
World Rank #1,039,715
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management / Strategic Management
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #778,615
Нодирахон Махмудова Жумабой Кизи - Nodirakhon Jumaboy Qizi Makhmudova
Нодирахон Махмудова Жумабой Кизи - Nodirakhon Jumaboy Qizi Makhmudova
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #1,368,740
Гулбахор Гайбуллаева Махмудовна
Гулбахор Гайбуллаева Махмудовна
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #1,935,046
Муйдинов Мухаммадсардор Абдукаюм Угли
Муйдинов Мухаммадсардор Абдукаюм Угли
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #2,316,572
Uzbekistan: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management
Bobir Tursunov
Bobir Tursunov
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #222,375
Жасур Ризаев
Жасур Ризаев
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #222,463
Tairova Mavlyuda Muxammedrizaevna (Таирова Малуда Мухаммедризаевна)
Tairova Mavlyuda Muxammedrizaevna (Таирова Малуда Мухаммедризаевна)
Business & Management
World Rank #417,345
Soliev Ibodulloxon Ismatullaevich|Солиев Ибодуллохон Исматуллаевич
Soliev Ibodulloxon Ismatullaevich|Солиев Ибодуллохон Исматуллаевич
Business & Management
Business Administration
World Rank #588,312
Najimov Shamshetdinovich Amanlik (Нажимов Аманлык Шамшетдинович)
Najimov Shamshetdinovich Amanlik (Нажимов Аманлык Шамшетдинович)
Business & Management
Communications and Media Studies
World Rank #629,650
Sanjar Mirzaliev
Sanjar Mirzaliev
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #632,136
Temur Berdiyorov
Temur Berdiyorov
Business & Management
World Rank #675,189
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Business & Management
Decision Science and Operations Management
World Rank #675,439
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Nilufar A Yuldasheva - Нилуфар Абдувахидовна Юлдашева
Business & Management
Strategic Management
World Rank #778,615
Khusniddin Juraev
Khusniddin Juraev
Business & Management
World Rank #838,160
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute: Top 10 Scientists
Rubidinov Shoxrux G'Ayratjon O'G'Li Рубидинов Шохрух Ғайратжон Ўғли
Rubidinov Shoxrux G'Ayratjon O'G'Li Рубидинов Шохрух Ғайратжон Ўғли
Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
World Rank #366,488
Isomidinov Azizjon Salomidinovich
Isomidinov Azizjon Salomidinovich
World Rank #446,300
Zebuniso A Abobakirova - Зебунисо А Абобакирова
Zebuniso A Abobakirova - Зебунисо А Абобакирова
World Rank #446,746
Sakhiba M Mirzababaeva - Сахиба М Мирзабабаева
Sakhiba M Mirzababaeva - Сахиба М Мирзабабаева
World Rank #477,705
Отакулов Бахромжон АдхамовичOtakulov Bakhromjon Adkhamovich
Отакулов Бахромжон АдхамовичOtakulov Bakhromjon Adkhamovich
World Rank #511,531
Усмонов Нодиржон Ботиралиевич Usmonov Nodirjon Botiraliyevich
Усмонов Нодиржон Ботиралиевич Usmonov Nodirjon Botiraliyevich
World Rank #587,158
Хатамова З.Н. Zumradxon Khatamova
Хатамова З.Н. Zumradxon Khatamova
Social Sciences
Tourism & Hospitality
World Rank #588,208
Boyqo'zi Jo'raqo'ziyevich Xursanov,Бойқўзи Жўрақўзиевич Хурсанов
Boyqo'zi Jo'raqo'ziyevich Xursanov,Бойқўзи Жўрақўзиевич Хурсанов
World Rank #590,118
Наталья Ивановна Гончарова - Natalya Ivanovna Goncharova
Наталья Ивановна Гончарова - Natalya Ivanovna Goncharova
World Rank #598,807
Baabdukarimov Abdukarimov Bekzod Abobakirovich
Baabdukarimov Abdukarimov Bekzod Abobakirovich
World Rank #630,786