Oscar Coronado
Education / Educational Technology
AD Scientific Index ID: 5021586
Rafael Landívar University
In Universidad Rafael Landívar (87) | In Guatemala (622) | In Latin America (193,149) | World (2,400,050) | ||
H Index (Total) | 1 | #55 | #397 | #162,827 | #2,198,152 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 1 | #50 | #390 | #161,120 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
100% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 1 | #34 | #285 | #135,533 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 1 | #34 | #282 | #134,688 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 100% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 65 | #22 | #202 | #112,518 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 13 | #37 | #314 | #147,826 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 20% | ||||
Education * |
#4 (6) * |
#26 (41) * |
(10,870) * |
(58,073) * |
Educational Technology * Tecnología Educativa | |
(2) * |
(4) * |
(263) * |
(1,998) * |
* Oct 15, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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University / Institution Rankings
Universidad Rafael Landívar Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Educational Technology
Qing Li
Qing Li
Towson University
World Rank #9,061
Danielle Mcnamara
Danielle Mcnamara
Arizona State University
World Rank #9,093
Drigas Athanasios
Drigas Athanasios
National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos
World Rank #11,388
Jesus Salinas
Jesus Salinas
Universitat de les Illes Balears
World Rank #17,634
Chris Dede
Chris Dede
Harvard University
World Rank #24,650
Christoph Meinel
Christoph Meinel
Hasso Plattner Institute
World Rank #29,050
Mike Sharples
Mike Sharples
Open University UK
World Rank #29,211
Punya Mishra
Punya Mishra
Arizona State University
World Rank #33,075
Bart Rienties
Bart Rienties
Open University UK
World Rank #34,249
Mostafa Al-Emran
Mostafa Al-Emran
British University in Dubai
World Rank #43,324
Guatemala: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Educational Technology
Miguel Morales Chan
Miguel Morales Chan
Universidad Galileo
World Rank #676,044
Maylin Suleny Bojórquez-Roque
Maylin Suleny Bojórquez-Roque
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
World Rank #2,107,299
Oscar Coronado
Oscar Coronado
Universidad Rafael Landívar
World Rank #2,197,837
Virginia Victoria Tala Ayerdi
Virginia Victoria Tala Ayerdi
Universidad Rafael Landívar
World Rank #2,339,250
Universidad Rafael Landívar: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Educational Technology
Guatemala: Top 10 Scientists in Education
Miguel Morales Chan
Miguel Morales Chan
Educational Technology
World Rank #676,044
Enrique Soto
Enrique Soto
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #775,944
J. Andrés Gálvez-Sobral
J. Andrés Gálvez-Sobral
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,066,969
Amilcar Corzo
Amilcar Corzo
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,293,171
Luis Magdiel Oliva-Córdova|Magdiel Oliva
Luis Magdiel Oliva-Córdova|Magdiel Oliva
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,355,761
Mónica E. De La Roca
Mónica E. De La Roca
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,359,528
Claudia Esmeralda Villela
Claudia Esmeralda Villela
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,468,135
Pedro Danilo Ponciano Nuñez
Pedro Danilo Ponciano Nuñez
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #1,564,952
Luis Pedro Taracena
Luis Pedro Taracena
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,581,647
Mariela Román
Mariela Román
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #1,587,061
Universidad Rafael Landívar: Top 10 Scientists
José Fernando Díaz Echeverría
José Fernando Díaz Echeverría
World Rank #1,191,369
Juventino Galvez
Juventino Galvez
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #1,283,716
Cesar Castañeda Salguero
Cesar Castañeda Salguero
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #1,288,238
Wilson Romero
Wilson Romero
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,392,862
Gerónimo Estuardo Pérez Irungaray
Gerónimo Estuardo Pérez Irungaray
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #1,402,971
Aida Toledo|Ae toledo, A. Toledo, Aidat toledo
Aida Toledo|Ae toledo, A. Toledo, Aidat toledo
Social Sciences
World Rank #1,450,070
Marcelo Zamora|Fabian Marcelo Zamora Mejía, FM Zamora Mejía
Marcelo Zamora|Fabian Marcelo Zamora Mejía, FM Zamora Mejía
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #1,453,139
Juan Pablo Castañeda|JP Castaneda, Juan-Pablo Castaneda, J.-P. Castaneda
Juan Pablo Castañeda|JP Castaneda, Juan-Pablo Castaneda, J.-P. Castaneda
Economics & Econometrics
Accounting & Finance
World Rank #1,477,127
Jaime Luis Carrera
Jaime Luis Carrera
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #1,527,632
Samuel Zapil
Samuel Zapil
World Rank #1,575,403