Type Congress / Activity Name Title Authors
Oral Presentation Understanding the Challenges of Social Media Users: Management Students’ Perspective in Two Asian Countries Bocar, Anna C; Jocson, Gina
Oral Presentation Managerial Roles: Intuitions of the Academic Institution Employees, an evidence from the universities in Ozamiz City Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Foremost Factor that Distracts Students Achievement on Academic Goals and their Prevailing Stress Reliever Bocar, Anna C ; Allen, Sonia
Oral Presentation Cultural, Social, and National Setting and the Most Common Factor that Hinders Women’s Empowerment Bocar, Anna C; Al Wahaibi, Asma
Oral Presentation Personal Qualities and Skills of College Students in One of the Private Colleges in Oman Bocar, Anna C; Al Shabibi, Husama
Oral Presentation Extent of Human Resource Activities’ Implementation in the Academic Institution Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Children on the Street: The Reasons of Their Existence and Their Commonly Observed Effects Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Study Habits and the Factors that Distract the Concentration of La Salle University Froshies Bocar, Anna C; Tizon Marylene
Oral Presentation Students’ Perception Towards Premarital Sex Bocar, Anna C; Perez, Noeme
Oral Presentation Crimes and the Prevalent Causes in Their Commission as Perceived by the Inmates Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Difficulties Encountered by the Student – Researchers and the Effects on Their Research Output, S.Y. 2008-2009 Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Voters' Participation to the Election Activities on October 29, 2007 in the Selected Urban Communities in Ozamiz City Bocar, Anna C
Oral Presentation Teachers' Perception: Foremost Reason Why an Employee Leaves His Job Bocar, Anna C; Pescador, Geory O.
Oral Presentation Learning and Teaching Styles in La Salle University-Ozamiz Bocar, Anna C