Julia Szekeres Bartho
Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Biology
AD Scientific Index ID: 1843575
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Leading Academics in
This Subject
World: Top 10 Scientists in Medical Biology
H Van Goor
H Van Goor
University of Groningen
World Rank #10,828
Saeid Ghavami
Saeid Ghavami
University of Manitoba
World Rank #29,844
Julia Szekeres Bartho
Julia Szekeres Bartho
University of Pécs
World Rank #48,747
Mike Lambert
Mike Lambert
University of Cape Town
World Rank #61,481
Jl Hillebrands
Jl Hillebrands
University of Groningen
World Rank #74,929
Ahmet Özer Şehirli
Ahmet Özer Şehirli
Near East University
World Rank #76,135
Zeliha Selamoğlu
Zeliha Selamoğlu
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
World Rank #77,301
Mehmet Öztürk
Mehmet Öztürk
Dokuz Eylül University
World Rank #84,712
Hasan Türkez
Hasan Türkez
Atatürk University
World Rank #90,734
Kamran Mansouri
Kamran Mansouri
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
World Rank #123,983
University of Pécs: Top 10 Scientists in Medical Biology
Hungary: Top 10 Scientists in Medical and Health Sciences
Béla Merkely
Béla Merkely
Semmelweis University Budapest
World Rank #5,865
E. Sylvester Vizi
E. Sylvester Vizi
Semmelweis University Budapest
World Rank #13,801
Peter Laszlo Lakatos
Peter Laszlo Lakatos
Semmelweis University Budapest
World Rank #14,087
Szekanecz Zoltán
Szekanecz Zoltán
University of Debrecen
World Rank #16,756
László Vécsei Dsc
László Vécsei Dsc
University of Szeged
World Rank #22,197
Lajos Kemény
Lajos Kemény
University of Szeged
Dermatology and Venereology
World Rank #25,339
Peter Csermely
Peter Csermely
Semmelweis University Budapest
World Rank #25,719
Peter Hegyi
Peter Hegyi
Semmelweis University Budapest
World Rank #26,022
Andras Varro
Andras Varro
University of Szeged
World Rank #28,128
Tamas Biro
Tamas Biro
University of Debrecen
Dermatology and Venereology
World Rank #30,457