“AD Scientific Index” Methodology

What is the AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index)? Developed by Prof. Dr. Murat Alper and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan Döğer in 2021, the AD Scientific Index is an independent, international ranking system that evaluates the academic impact of scientists and institutions. The AD Scientific Index analyzes 24.296 institutions and 2.400.165 scientists across 219 countries in 12 major academic fields and 197 disciplines. Based on data obtained from Google Scholar and subjected to multiple levels of data filtering, this study provides a comprehensive assessment of scientists' productivity coefficients, taking into account total and last six years' h-index, i10-index scores, and citation counts. Through its academic rankings, analyses, and comparative results, the AD Scientific Index offers extensive data that facilitates the monitoring, evaluation, and development of policies for enhancing the scientific contributions of both individual academics and institutions.

Why is the AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index) Needed? The AD Scientific Index, World Scientist and University Rankings,  is unique in that it is the first and only system to provide a dual analysis of both the total and six-year productivity coefficients of scientists, based on h-index, i10-index, and citation data. This dual focus is crucial for accurately assessing both historical impact and recent academic performance. Moreover, the index evaluates scientists across various academic fields, institutions, and countries, offering both ranking and in-depth analysis, which is essential for tracking academic progress and identifying trends within the global scientific community. 

What are the h-index and i10-index? The h-index is a widely recognized metric that evaluates both the productivity and citation impact of a researcher's published work. It is determined by the number of publications (h) that have received at least h citations each. For example, an h-index of 15 signifies that a researcher has authored 15 papers, each cited at least 15 times. A higher h-index reflects a sustained impact in the academic field. The i10-index, calculated by Google Scholar, counts the number of publications with at least 10 citations. This metric, while simpler, offers a valuable perspective on a researcher's consistent academic influence over time.

How is the "AD Scientific Index" "World Scientist and University Rankings" Different from Other Rankings? The AD Scientific Index distinguishes itself by offering a comprehensive analysis that includes both the total and last six years of h-index, i10-index, and citation data. This approach allows for a nuanced understanding of academic productivity and impact. Furthermore, the index ranks institutions by comparing them to all other institutions and then within specific categories, such as private and public universities. This layered ranking system provides a clearer picture of institutional performance in various contexts. Additionally, the index serves as a tool for identifying and addressing academic misconduct, including issues like plagiarism and unethical authorship practices. 

The presence of valuable and productive scientists is fundamental to key parameters in traditional academic rankings, such as universities' international reputation, research quality, teaching capacity, and industrial collaborations. These parameters are shaped largely by the academic achievements of these scientists. AD Scientific Index’s in-depth focus on these scientists at an individual level reveals the underlying factors driving universities' overall performance in general rankings. Since many elements highlighted in other rankings are directly linked to the number of "valuable and productive scientists," AD Scientific Index underscores the significant influence of individual scientific contributions on a university's overall success. Unlike other rankings that rely on datasets accessible to only a limited number of institutions, the data on valuable and productive scientists are widely accessible, offering equal opportunities to all institutions and countries. By leveraging this accessibility, AD Scientific Index provides a more inclusive and comprehensive analysis, allowing institutions worldwide to be recognized for their strengths. This democratizes the ranking process and emphasizes the universal importance of individual scientists in shaping the success and reputation of universities, creating a level playing field for all institutions.

Unique Features of the "AD Scientific Index" "World Scientist and University Rankings"

  1. Academic and Economic Independence: The AD Scientific Index takes pride in its complete academic and economic independence, ensuring that our evaluations are free from external influences. This independence allows us to provide fair and unbiased assessments of academic performance, offering equal opportunities regardless of country, language, subject matter, or type of scientific publication. Our commitment to impartiality guarantees that scholars and institutions are judged solely on the merit of their academic contributions.
  2. Transparent and Rigorous Methodology: At AD Scientific Index, we use open-source and verifiable data to ensure a transparent and rigorous methodology. Our data handling processes, the algorithms we employ, and the weighting of these algorithms are clearly defined, accessible, and open to scrutiny. By openly sharing how each criterion is weighted and calculated, we enable our users to fully understand the ranking process, actively participate in identifying and correcting any errors or ethical issues, and build greater trust in our system. This approach ensures that all evaluations are conducted fairly, in line with the principles of impartiality and equal opportunity.
  3. Comprehensive Evaluation:The index uniquely shows the status of universities, institutions, hospitals, and companies, both in total and over the last six years, according to h-index, i10-index, and citation counts. This dual focus is not available in other ranking systems.
  4. Institutional Progress Analysis: It tracks and analyzes the progress of institutions over the last six years, providing insights into how universities evolve over time.
  5. Public vs. Private Comparison: The index compares public universities with each other, as well as private universities, companies, hospitals, and institutes, both in total and over the last six years, based on h-index, i10-index, and citation metrics.
  6. Scientific Ranking Distribution: It analyzes the scientific ranking of academic staff within institutions according to percentiles, offering a detailed breakdown of where institutions stand globally.
  7. Individual Status Tracking: The index provides a detailed view of individuals' standings according to their h-index, i10-index, and citation counts, both in total and over the last six years.
  8. Global and Regional Rankings: It ranks 2.400.165 individuals by 24.296 institutions, 219 country, 10 regions, and field globally, providing a comprehensive overview of their academic standing. The importance of ranking individuals and institutions according to specific branches and sub-disciplines cannot be overstated. This detailed analysis ensures that both niche specializations and broad fields of study are accurately represented, allowing for a more precise understanding of where individuals and institutions excel.
  9. Top List Reports: The index generates top list reports for institutions by country, region, and globally, allowing for easy identification of leading institutions.
  10. Constantly Updated Rankings: Unlike other ranking systems that may update annually, the AD Scientific Index renews its rankings continuously, ensuring that the data remains current and relevant.
  11. Valuing Feedback and Contributions: We highly value feedback and contributions from the academic community. By actively seeking and incorporating this input, the AD Scientific Index continuously refines its methodology, ensuring that rankings are accurate and up-to-date. This collaborative approach helps maintain the index's integrity and relevance, fostering a transparent and dynamic ranking system.
  12. Increased Visibility and Early Detection of Ethical Violations: Excessive publishing, gift authorship, honorary authorship, citation cartels, fake paper factories, and other fraudulent practices pose serious ethical risks in the scientific world. These practices can undermine research quality and reliability, leading to a significant loss of trust in scientific literature. However, one of the key advantages of the database we use is its ability to make these ethical violations—previously thought to go unnoticed—highly visible and detectable at both individual and institutional levels from an early stage.
  13. "Art and Humanities Rankings" and "Social Sciences and Humanities Rankings": Ensuring Fair Comparisons: Fields such as Art, Humanities, and Social Sciences are often overshadowed by the emphasis on the natural sciences in traditional rankings. To address this imbalance, we have developed separate Art and Humanities Rankings and Social Sciences and Humanities Rankings. By utilizing Google Scholar, which includes a broader range of academic outputs such as books and theses, we ensure fair and comprehensive representation of these fields. These rankings allow for distinct evaluations that consider the unique contributions of art, humanities, and social sciences, leveling the playing field against the natural sciences. This approach enables institutions to be fairly compared at national, continental, and global levels.
  14. Subject-Based Institutional Rankings: A Key Resource for Cross-Border Transfer and Equivalency Evaluations: The AD Scientific Index's subject-based institutional rankings serve as a crucial reference for evaluating cross-border transfer or graduation equivalency applications. Universities may excel or fall behind in specific subjects, apart from their overall ranking. The AD Scientific Index provides a comparative global performance assessment of universities in each subject, making it a valuable indicator for equivalency or transfer applications

Data Source Approach

Ranking organizations rely on leading databases like Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Google Scholar, and Nature Index for publication and citation analysis. Each of these databases offers unique strengths in evaluating academic performance, but they also come with certain limitations. Our Approach: We value ranking both institutions and individuals, and we adopt a methodology that is global, practical, and more inclusive. While maximizing the strengths of our chosen data source, we are mindful of its inherent limitations. To address these, we implement strategic approaches and continuously audit the data to enhance accuracy. By recognizing the limitations of our data source, we apply effective monitoring tools to mitigate these issues. These tools help us identify and correct errors, ensuring ongoing improvements in data quality. During this process, more attention has been given to nearly one million individual profiles, comprehensive data cleansing has been carried out, and many profiles have been deleted. Our focus is not only on the correct usage of existing data but also on the continual enhancement of its quality.

In summary, our methodology is built on a global and inclusive perspective, optimizing the strengths of our selected data source while addressing potential errors and limitations through robust auditing mechanisms. This approach ensures that our rankings are increasingly accurate, reliable, and meaningful at both individual and institutional levels.

How Often is the Ranking Updated?

The AD Scientific Index is updated regularly to ensure the rankings reflect the most recent academic achievements. New entries, deletions, corrections, and changes typically become visible within one to three days. The h-index, i10-index, and citation numbers in profiles are updated every 60 to 90 days. Data for the rankings is primarily collected from Google Scholar, with a strong emphasis on standardizing names, institutions, and other relevant data. Due to the vast amount of information and varying formats from different sources, data cleansing and updates are ongoing and meticulous processes. Contributions from users to enhance data accuracy are always welcomed, helping to maintain the reliability and relevance of the index.

How Can I Be Included in the List?  The AD Scientific Index is continuously growing and currently includes 2.400.165 scientists from 24.296 institutions across 219 countries. While the list is regularly expanded, new additions are limited to individual and institutional registrations to ensure data accuracy and reliability. Please note that requests made via email or other communication channels are not considered. The only way to be included is by completing either an individual or institutional registration through the 'Register' link available on our website.

We do not have a policy of automatically including every profile in the system. This approach is necessary to manage the effort required to continuously ensure the accuracy, integrity, and validity of data at both the institutional level (e.g., mergers, splits, name changes, closures, license revocations, and suspensions) and the individual level (e.g., institutional changes, profile deletions, deaths, ethical violations, and other updates).

Who Can Be Included in the List and Reasons for Exclusion AD Scientific Index has included 2.400.165 scientists from 219 countries, 24.296 institutions, and 197 branches based on their publicly available Google Scholar profiles. If you cannot find a particular name on the list, it does not diminish the scientific value of that individual; it simply means they do not appear on the list for various reasons. However, there are several reasons why a scientist might not be included in the list:

  1. Technical and Resource Limitations: While we aim to be as comprehensive as possible, it is technically and logistically impossible to include every researcher in the world. The large number of researchers at the individual level, along with factors such as deaths, retirements, frequent institutional changes, exclusions due to ethical violations, as well as mergers, name changes, closures, and the establishment of new institutions, creates a significant workload to keep the data up to date, making it challenging to ensure comprehensive coverage. To maintain data accuracy and currency, the expansion will be limited to registrations made through the Register link.
  2. Absence of a Google Scholar Profile: Researchers who do not maintain a Google Scholar profile, or whose profile is not public, cannot be included in the index.
  3. The scientist's preference not to appear on the list or their request to be removed from the list.
  4. Incomplete or Inaccurate Profile Information: Profiles that lack sufficient information or contain irrelevant data may be excluded from the index. This ensures that the rankings are based on comprehensive and reliable information.
  5. Changes in Profile Visibility: If a researcher's Google Scholar profile shifts between public and private settings or if there are inconsistencies in the data, the profile may be excluded during updates.
  6. Ethical Concerns: Profiles found to contain unethical elements, such as misleading publication records or false membership information, and profiles with retracted articles will be removed from the index. Institutions are encouraged to monitor and verify the profiles of their staff to maintain academic integrity.
  7. Profile Deletion Due to Inaccessibility: Profiles that become inaccessible during periodic updates or due to technical issues may also be removed from the list. Researchers are advised to regularly check and update their profiles to ensure continued inclusion. 

Ensuring Ethical Integrity and Accuracy in Profile Information: The accuracy of profile information is an ethical responsibility of each individual scientist. To prevent the dissemination of misleading or inaccurate information, institutions, countries, and professional societies are encouraged to periodically review the profiles of their affiliated scientists. We place significant importance on addressing reports of incorrect, misleading, or ethically questionable profile information. Maintaining the integrity and reliability of the data within the AD Scientific Index is our top priority, and we reserve the right to remove profiles without notice, including those with paid registrations, if they are found to violate ethical standards, without issuing a refund.

Is it Necessary to Register to See Your Ranking? Registration is not required to find out your ranking in the AD Scientific Index. Scientists with similar h-index, i10-index, and citation counts will be ranked accordingly. However, registration is necessary to be included in the ranking with all its detailed elements.

Ranking Criteria

The AD Scientific Index employs a comprehensive and multi-dimensional approach to ranking scientists and institutions based on key indicators of academic impact:

  • Total h-index scores: Reflects the cumulative academic influence of a researcher across their entire career.
  • Last 6 years’ h-index scores: Emphasizes recent academic productivity and impact.
  • Total i10 index scores: Indicates the number of publications with at least 10 citations, showcasing the breadth of high-impact work.
  • Last 6 years’ i10 index scores: Focuses on recent high-impact publications, highlighting the researcher’s productivity in recent years.
  • Total number of citations: Measures the cumulative impact of a researcher’s publications.
  • Number of citations in the last 6 years: Highlights the recent citation impact of a researcher’s work.

H-Index Rankings Criteria

H-index rankings assess the overall academic influence and impact of scientists within their respective fields. Researchers are ranked by their university, country, region, and globally based on their h-index, which captures both the quantity and quality of their scholarly output.

  • Primary Ranking: The total h-index is the primary criterion.
  • Additional Factors, in order: The last 6 years’ h-index score, total i10 index score, and total number of citations are used sequentially.

i10 Index Productivity Rankings Criteria

i10 Index Productivity Rankings focus on identifying scientists who are particularly effective in producing high-value, highly-cited research.

  • Primary Ranking: The total i10 index score is the primary criterion.
  • Additional Factors, in order: The last 6 years’ i10 index score, total h-index score, and total number of citations are considered sequentially.

Citation Rankings Criteria

Citation Rankings (Highly Cited Researchers) emphasize the recognition and influence of a scientist’s work based on the total number of citations received.

  • Primary Ranking: The total number of citations is the primary criterion.
  • Additional Factors, in order: The number of citations in the last 6 years, total i10 index score, and last 6 years’ i10 index score are used to further refine the rankings.

These criteria are applied to evaluations focused on the last 6 years. Institutions are also ranked according to these same criteria at the national, regional, and global levels, ensuring a thorough and accurate assessment of academic performance across different organizational contexts.

By applying these criteria across both long-term and recent time frames, the AD Scientific Index provides a comprehensive and balanced evaluation of a scientist’s and institution’s impact, offering a clear picture of their contributions to the academic community. Additionally, the list without CERN, Statistical Data, etc., provided exclusively by “AD Scientific Index”, is part of our effort to balance the situation created by CERN and researchers with statistical data, who have an advantage over others, especially those in the social and humanities fields. There is still much work to be done in this area. 

Studies Influencing Ranking Due to High Citation Numbers  For studies with an unusually high number of citations, such as those from CERN, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, or those involving statistical data, guidelines, and updates, we have implemented a procedure to ensure fairness in the rankings. Authors of such papers are marked with an asterisk "i" at the end of their names to indicate this distinction. This helps maintain the integrity of the rankings by recognizing these studies appropriately without allowing them to disproportionately influence the overall results. Additionally, there is an option to view a list that excludes these types of studies to further ensure balanced rankings.

Why Are Last 6 Years' Ratios Important? The h-index, i10 index, and the ratio of citations in the last six years to the total number of citations are crucial metrics that reflect both the individual performance of scientists and the impact of institutional policies on the broader academic landscape. These ratios provide a clear indication of recent productivity and influence.

Subject Rankings: Which Subjects are Ranked in the AD Scientific Index?

The AD Scientific Index offers an unparalleled depth of analysis by categorizing academic achievements into 197 sub-disciplines across various major fields of study. This level of detailed differentiation among sub-disciplines provides an analytical depth not commonly found in other academic ranking systems. The sub-disciplines have been defined based on the branches and departments within universities rather than research fields or areas of interest. This approach allows for a clearer categorization of academic activities and contributions, aligning more closely with the organizational structure and educational programs of universities. As a result, the unique characteristics and academic impact of each branch and department within the university can be more accurately and thoroughly analyzed by the AD Scientific Index.

Agriculture & Forestry:  Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Mechanization, Agriculture, Animal Science, Crop Sciences, Entomology & Pesticides, Fisheries, Forestry, Horticulture, Plant Science, Poultry Production, Soil and Water Engineering and Conservation, Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition.

Architecture & Design  : Architecture, Design, Urban Planning, Interior Architecture.

Business & Management: Business Administration, Communications and Media Studies, Decision Science and Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Strategic Management.

Economics & Econometrics: Accounting & Finance, Banking and Insurance, Economics, Environmental Economics, Financial Economics, International Trade.

Education: Early Childhood Education, Education (Other, All), Educational Administration, Educational Psychology, Educational Technology, Foreign Language Education, Guidance and Counseling, Mathematics and Science Education, Physical Education and Sport Science, Sociology of Education, Special Education.

Engineering & Technology: Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electrical & Information Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Science & Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, Marine Sciences and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences, Mining Engineering, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nuclear Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Textile Engineering.

History, Philosophy, Theology: History, Philosophy, Theology.

Law / Legal Studies: Business-Corporate Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Employment Law, Environmental Law, European Union Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Law and Legal Studies, Public Law, Tax Law.

Medical and Health Sciences: Anatomy, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Audiology and Speech Pathology, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Chest Diseases, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Pathology, Dentistry, Dermatology and Venereology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Epidemiology and Public Health, Family Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Geriatrics, Health Administration, Health Sciences, Hematology, Histology and Embryology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Biology, Medical Education, Medical Genetics, Medical Microbiology, Medical Mycology, Medical Oncology, Medical Physics, Medical Physiology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Mycology, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Occupational Medicine, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Otorhinolaryngology, Parasitology, Pathology, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Emergency, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Hematology, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Rheumatology, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatrics and Child Health, Perinatology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Medicine, Physiology, Physiotherapy, Plastic Surgery, Podiatry, Psychiatry, Radiation Oncology, Radiographer, Radiology, Rheumatology, Thoracic Surgery, Urology, Veterinary Sciences, Virology.

Natural Sciences: Biological Science, Chemical Sciences, Geography, Mathematical Sciences, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Physics.

Social Sciences: Anthropology, Archeology, Arts, Child Development, Demography, Higher Education Studies, Housing, International Relations, Library and Information Science, Linguistics and Literature, Open and Distance Education, Political Science, Psychology, Regional Studies, Social Policy, Social Science, Social Work, Sociology, Tourism & Hospitality, Transportation Science & Technology.

This meticulous categorization within the AD Scientific Index ensures that academic contributions are recognized in their specific contexts, offering a richer and more accurate depiction of scholarly impact.

Ranking Criteria for Universities

AD Scientific Index has developed its institutional ranking methodology based on the belief that the most valuable asset of an academic institution is its "Valuable and Productive Scientist," with all other aspects and processes being by-products of this core value.

We offer rankings that encompass all types of institutions, including universities, private universities, public universities, institutions, hospitals, and companies, as well as specific rankings within these relevant categories. For example, a private university can view its ranking within its country, region, and the world among all institutions, all private universities, and all universities.

Institutional rankings in the AD Scientific Index are determined by analyzing the distribution of scientists within the top 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of the institution’s performance metrics. Institutions that have a greater number of scientists within these percentile bands achieve higher rankings. If two institutions have an equal number of scientists in a particular range, the next percentile range is considered. If the tie persists, the institution with the higher overall number of individual scientists is ranked higher.

The AD Scientific Index offers a unique and comprehensive platform for evaluating 24,500 institutions across multiple dimensions, including Total h-index, Last 6 Years h-index, Total i10 Index, Last 6 Years i10 Index, Total Citations, and Last 6 Years Citations. This in-depth analysis allows institutions to assess their strengths and identify areas for improvement by examining subject-specific and global percentile rankings. The AD Scientific Index's subject-based institutional rankings serve as a crucial reference for evaluating cross-border transfer or graduation equivalency applications. 

Young University/Institution Rankings

We present the Young University/Institution Rankings, evaluating universities, research institutes, companies, and hospitals established within the last 30 years that produce science and employ scientists. This ranking determines these institutions' place in the global scientific community, demonstrating that 30 years is a sufficient period to assess their development and impact. Our analysis aims to objectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of young institutions, helping them shape their strategies and formulate their policies.

Social Sciences and Humanities Rankings

The "Social Sciences and Humanities Rankings" is a unique ranking that consists of fields such as Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law, and Social Sciences. This ranking excludes areas such as Medicine, Engineering, and Natural Sciences, allowing for a more equitable assessment within the social sciences and humanities. As a result, individuals and institutions in these fields are evaluated based on their achievements without being overshadowed by the stronger disciplines of the natural sciences.

Art and Humanities Rankings

The "Art and Humanities Rankings" is a specialized ranking that includes fields such as History, Philosophy, Theology, Linguistics and Literature, Archaeology, and Arts. By focusing solely on these disciplines, this ranking provides a more balanced evaluation of individuals and institutions, ensuring that their achievements in the arts and humanities are recognized without being overshadowed by the dominance of fields like Medicine, Engineering, and Natural Sciences. This allows for a fairer comparison based on success within these creative and scholarly disciplines.

Pricing Policy

At AD Scientific Index, all of our services, including access to individual and institutional rankings on the main category pages, are offered free of charge. We provide the most comprehensive and useful academic data for scholars, institutions, regions, countries, and disciplines free of charge. Similarly, you can access the most extensive and valuable academic data for your institution and country at no cost. However, for those seeking more advanced features, we offer premium services with additional features on the premium page, where you can manage and customize your individual and institutional detail pages with password-protected access, all for a reasonable fee.

Free Services:

  • You can directly access individual and institutional rankings through the main page links in the site header. Additionally, the most comprehensive academic data, by far, which you can access without a password and free of charge for both individuals and institutions, is available on the AD Scientific Index.

Premium Services:

  • For a one-time fee covering three years, you can gain access to more comprehensive analyses and have the ability to input and modify your own data on the Scientist and Institution pages.
  • Our premium services allow you to register, edit, and manage your rankings and data, giving you full control over your academic profile.
  • Differentiated Pricing Based on Income Levels: To promote greater accessibility and equity, AD Scientific Index employs a differentiated pricing model based on the income levels of different countries. We understand that the financial capacity of institutions and individuals varies across different regions, and we are committed to ensuring that our services are available to as broad an audience as possible.

As an independent organization, AD Scientific Index is committed to providing our community with the best and most reliable academic ranking and analysis services.

Click here for individual and discounted institutional bulk registration.

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