Сергей Пашкин
Education / Education (Other, All)
AD Scientific Index ID: 1107009
Университет сердец
In Herzen University (635) | In Russia (46,331) | In Europe (783,423) | World (2,400,184) | ||
H Index (Total) | 39 | #4 | #509 Top 3% | #51,555 | #143,128 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 26 | #3 | #525 Top 3% | #58,715 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
66% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 93 | #4 | #792 Top 3% | #44,988 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 58 | #5 | #625 Top 3% | #49,725 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 62% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 4,758 | #9 | #894 Top 3% | #73,436 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 2,274 | #8 | #759 Top 3% | #74,953 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 47% | ||||
Education * |
(109) * |
#14 Top 3% (1,472) * |
(16,557) * |
(55,491) * |
Education (Other All) * педагогика | психология | военная педагогика | военная психология | |
(91) * |
#8 Top 3% (974) * |
(9,783) * |
(36,114) * |
* Oct 12, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
Subject Field Ranking Notice: Please note that the subject field rankings for the world, region, country, and university are in the Beta Version due to the exclusion of profiles classified under 'Others' (1.010.204 scientists whose branches have not been determined or updated). These rankings will adjust as profiles are updated
Top %3 Indicator: The 'Top 3%' label indicates that a scientist ranks within the top 3% of all scientists in the AD Scientific Index for their specific subject field at the institutional, country, or world level.
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University / Institution Rankings
Herzen University Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Education (Other, All)
Marinus Van Ijzendoorn
Marinus Van Ijzendoorn
Erasmus University
World Rank #1,139
Steve Graham
Steve Graham
Arizona State University
World Rank #1,495
Robert C Pianta
Robert C Pianta
University of Virginia
World Rank #1,575
Greg J Duncan
Greg J Duncan
University of California Irvine
World Rank #1,664
Wong Ming Hung
Wong Ming Hung
Education University of Hong Kong
World Rank #2,271
Cees Van Der Vleuten
Cees Van Der Vleuten
Maastricht University
World Rank #2,580
Chin Chung Tsai
Chin Chung Tsai
National Taiwan Normal University
World Rank #3,619
Barry Fraser
Barry Fraser
Curtin University
World Rank #3,924
Wolff Michael Roth
Wolff Michael Roth
University of Victoria British Columbia
World Rank #4,471
Jim Cummins
Jim Cummins
University of Toronto
World Rank #4,568
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Education (Other, All)
Marina G. Sergeeva Марина Георгиевна Сергеева
Marina G. Sergeeva Марина Георгиевна Сергеева
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
World Rank #53,964
Roman Fediuk
Roman Fediuk
Far Eastern Federal University
World Rank #69,429
Репринцев Александр Валентинович
Репринцев Александр Валентинович
Kursk State University
World Rank #82,034
Akhmetshin Elvir Munirovich (Ахметшин Эльвир Мунирович)
Akhmetshin Elvir Munirovich (Ахметшин Эльвир Мунирович)
Kazan Federal University
World Rank #82,146
Исак Фрумин
Исак Фрумин
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #103,306
Анна Иосифовна Щербакова
Анна Иосифовна Щербакова
Russian State Social University
World Rank #110,992
Владимир Мазилов
Владимир Мазилов
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
World Rank #128,014
Сергей Пашкин
Сергей Пашкин
Herzen University
World Rank #142,844
Нарциссова Стэлла Юрьевна
Нарциссова Стэлла Юрьевна
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #143,695
Виктор Болотов
Виктор Болотов
National Research University Higher School of Economics
World Rank #170,586
Herzen University: Top 10 Scientists in Education / Education (Other, All)
Сергей Пашкин
Сергей Пашкин
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #142,844
Вера Деркунская
Вера Деркунская
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #292,077
Альвина Панфилова
Альвина Панфилова
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #306,100
Нина Валентиновна Бордовская
Нина Валентиновна Бордовская
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #310,637
Римашевская Лариса Сергеевна
Римашевская Лариса Сергеевна
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #459,203
Ольга Викторовна Солнцева
Ольга Викторовна Солнцева
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #489,093
юлия александровна комарова
юлия александровна комарова
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #564,357
Елена Николаевна Глубокова
Елена Николаевна Глубокова
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #615,543
Ирина Готская
Ирина Готская
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #621,593
Евгения Бражник
Евгения Бражник
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #657,474
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Education
Александр Болотин
Александр Болотин
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #52,960
Marina G. Sergeeva Марина Георгиевна Сергеева
Marina G. Sergeeva Марина Георгиевна Сергеева
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #53,964
Roman Fediuk
Roman Fediuk
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #69,429
Репринцев Александр Валентинович
Репринцев Александр Валентинович
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #82,034
Akhmetshin Elvir Munirovich (Ахметшин Эльвир Мунирович)
Akhmetshin Elvir Munirovich (Ахметшин Эльвир Мунирович)
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #82,146
Александр Орлов
Александр Орлов
Educational Psychology
World Rank #99,095
Исак Фрумин
Исак Фрумин
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #103,306
Vladislav V. Bakayev
Vladislav V. Bakayev
Physical Education and Sport Science
World Rank #106,685
Максим Назаренко
Максим Назаренко
Educational Technology
World Rank #110,857
Анна Иосифовна Щербакова
Анна Иосифовна Щербакова
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #110,992
Herzen University: Top 10 Scientists
Andrey Belyaev
Andrey Belyaev
Natural Sciences
World Rank #9,268
Александр Владимирович Колобов Alex Kolobov
Александр Владимирович Колобов Alex Kolobov
Natural Sciences
World Rank #58,981
Яков Гилинский
Яков Гилинский
Law and Legal Studies
World Rank #99,143
Сергей Пашкин
Сергей Пашкин
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #142,844
Ирина Баева
Ирина Баева
Social Sciences
World Rank #190,217
Dmitry Subetto
Dmitry Subetto
Natural Sciences
World Rank #199,907
Рябов Олег Вячеславович (Oleg V. Riabov)
Рябов Олег Вячеславович (Oleg V. Riabov)
History, Philosophy, Theology
World Rank #260,603
Вера Деркунская
Вера Деркунская
Education (Other, All)
World Rank #292,077
Геннадий Бордовский
Геннадий Бордовский
Natural Sciences
World Rank #293,987
Людмила Сорокина
Людмила Сорокина
World Rank #297,388