Gabriela Grosseck
Social Sciences / Higher Education Studies
AD Scientific Index ID: 4310211
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
In West University of Timisoara (685) | In Romania (15,818) | In Europe (783,429) | World (2,400,031) | ||
H Index (Total) | 24 | #10 | #471 Top 3% | #127,442 | #351,374 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 18 | #8 | #465 Top 3% | #122,234 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
75% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 44 | #14 | #535 | #116,345 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 33 | #10 | #420 Top 3% | #104,186 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 75% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 3,630 | #4 | #270 Top 3% | #94,308 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 1,372 | #10 | #468 Top 3% | #121,723 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 37% | ||||
Social Sciences * |
#2 (137) * |
#16 Top 3% (1,278) * |
(51,656) * |
(146,142) * |
Higher Education Studies * higher education | open_education | fake news | digital_literacy | education for sustainable | |
(1) * |
(3) * |
(344) * |
(1,398) * |
* Oct 11, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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University / Institution Rankings
West University of Timisoara Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences / Higher Education Studies
Henry A Giroux
Henry A Giroux
McMaster University
World Rank #1,329
Ernest Pascarella
Ernest Pascarella
University of Iowa
World Rank #4,019
Philip G Altbach
Philip G Altbach
Boston College
World Rank #4,748
Michalinos Zembylas
Michalinos Zembylas
Open University of Cyprus
World Rank #11,682
Stephen Billett
Stephen Billett
Griffith University
World Rank #17,048
Adrianna Kezar
Adrianna Kezar
University of Southern California
World Rank #21,747
Philippa Pip Pattison
Philippa Pip Pattison
University of Sydney
World Rank #26,206
Jane Knight
Jane Knight
University of Toronto
World Rank #29,928
Jeroen Huisman
Jeroen Huisman
Ghent University
World Rank #34,344
Enric I. Canela
Enric I. Canela
Universitat de Barcelona
World Rank #34,430
Romania: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences / Higher Education Studies
Andreea Mirica
Andreea Mirica
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
World Rank #154,594
Gabriela Grosseck
Gabriela Grosseck
West University of Timisoara
World Rank #350,719
Sorin Gabriel Popescu
Sorin Gabriel Popescu
Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca (North University of Baia Mare)
World Rank #875,756
West University of Timisoara: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences / Higher Education Studies
Romania: Top 10 Scientists in Social Sciences
Daniel Ovidiu David
Daniel Ovidiu David
Social Sciences
World Rank #25,956
Adriana Baban
Adriana Baban
Social Sciences
World Rank #107,113
Andreea Mirica
Andreea Mirica
Social Sciences
Higher Education Studies
World Rank #154,594
Dumitru Sandu
Dumitru Sandu
Social Sciences
World Rank #193,604
Anca Dobrean (Domuta)|Anca Domuta
Anca Dobrean (Domuta)|Anca Domuta
Social Sciences
World Rank #196,898
Sorin Burlacu
Sorin Burlacu
Social Sciences
Open and Distance Education
World Rank #206,984
Oana David
Oana David
Social Sciences
World Rank #233,861
Adrian Balasescu
Adrian Balasescu
Social Sciences
World Rank #251,850
Cazan Ana-Maria
Cazan Ana-Maria
Social Sciences
World Rank #263,550
Alexandru Ilies
Alexandru Ilies
Social Sciences
Tourism & Hospitality
World Rank #302,829
West University of Timisoara: Top 10 Scientists
Paul Gravila
Paul Gravila
Natural Sciences
World Rank #1,035
Mihai V. Putz
Mihai V. Putz
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #205,084
Remus Cretan
Remus Cretan
Natural Sciences
Biological Science
World Rank #208,581
Ioan Bica
Ioan Bica
Engineering & Technology
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
World Rank #216,814
Oana Lobont
Oana Lobont
World Rank #219,470
Dana Petcu
Dana Petcu
World Rank #230,673
Gabriela Vlase
Gabriela Vlase
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #260,440
Vasile Ostafe
Vasile Ostafe
Medical and Health Sciences
World Rank #323,850
Florin Alin Sava
Florin Alin Sava
Social Sciences
World Rank #326,301
Gabriela Grosseck
Gabriela Grosseck
Social Sciences
Higher Education Studies
World Rank #350,682