Nikolay Lomakin
Economics & Econometrics / Banking and Insurance
AD Scientific Index ID: 1202754
Государственный технический университет Волгограда
In Volgograd State Technical University (35) | In Russia (46,332) | In Europe (783,422) | World (2,400,171) | ||
H Index (Total) | 26 | #2 | #1,906 | #115,480 | #316,404 |
H Index (Last 6 Years) | 11 | #4 | #4,967 | #235,007 | #??? |
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
42% | ||||
i10 Index (Total) | 53 | #2 | #2,145 | #95,638 | #??? |
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) | 15 | #4 | #4,465 | #207,284 | #??? |
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 28% | ||||
Citation (Total) | 2,071 | #2 | #2,666 | #148,012 | #??? |
Citation (Last 6 Years) | 742 | #3 | #3,415 | #193,391 | #??? |
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio | 35% | ||||
Economics & Econometrics * |
(2) * |
#177 (2,251) * |
(23,509) * |
(71,452) * |
Banking and Insurance * банки | деньги | биржи | нейронные сети | fuzzy-алгоритмы | |
(1) * |
#4 (26) * |
(708) * |
(2,175) * |
* Oct 03, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION
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Volgograd State Technical University Rankings
AD Scientific Index ID
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree
World: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Banking and Insurance
Allen Berger
Allen Berger
University of South Carolina
World Rank #5,779
Viral Acharya
Viral Acharya
New York University
World Rank #12,628
M Kabir Hassan
M Kabir Hassan
University of New Orleans
World Rank #13,106
Robert Handfield
Robert Handfield
North Carolina State University
World Rank #16,312
J David Cummins
J David Cummins
Temple University
World Rank #20,558
Jean Charles Rochet
Jean Charles Rochet
Universität Zürich
World Rank #30,282
Philip Molyneux
Philip Molyneux
University of Sharjah
World Rank #32,544
Matt Neville
Matt Neville
University of Oxford
World Rank #39,095
Bent Norgaard Pedersen
Bent Norgaard Pedersen
Statens Serum Institut
World Rank #40,186
Leonardo Gambacorta
Leonardo Gambacorta
Bank for International Settlements
World Rank #44,838
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Banking and Insurance
Evgenia E. Frolova Фролова Евгения Евгеньевна
Evgenia E. Frolova Фролова Евгения Евгеньевна
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
World Rank #209,629
Свободин Валентин Андреевич
Свободин Валентин Андреевич
Russian State Social University
World Rank #246,085
Курзаева Любовь Викторовна Lyubov Kurzaeva
Курзаева Любовь Викторовна Lyubov Kurzaeva
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
World Rank #262,549
Nikolay Lomakin
Nikolay Lomakin
Volgograd State Technical University
World Rank #316,402
Марианна Валерьевна Каширина Marianna V. Kashirina
Марианна Валерьевна Каширина Marianna V. Kashirina
Samara National Research University
World Rank #505,127
Natalya I. Bykanova (Наталья Игоревна Быканова)
Natalya I. Bykanova (Наталья Игоревна Быканова)
Belgorod State University
World Rank #509,112
Юлия Ахвледиани
Юлия Ахвледиани
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
World Rank #538,382
Юрий Коробов
Юрий Коробов
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
World Rank #578,080
Ольга Сергеевна Мирошниченко
Ольга Сергеевна Мирошниченко
Tyumen State University
World Rank #657,728
Надежда Парусимова
Надежда Парусимова
Orenburg State University
World Rank #658,551
Volgograd State Technical University: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics / Banking and Insurance
Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Economics & Econometrics
Andrey Korotayev
Andrey Korotayev
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #19,383
Леонид Гохберг Leonid Gokberg
Леонид Гохберг Leonid Gokberg
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #23,205
Rostislav Kapeliushnikov
Rostislav Kapeliushnikov
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #34,543
Boris Feigin
Boris Feigin
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #44,083
Evgeny Osin
Evgeny Osin
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #54,418
Нуреев Рустем Махмутович Nureev Rustem
Нуреев Рустем Махмутович Nureev Rustem
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #56,443
Vladimir Mau Владимир Мау
Vladimir Mau Владимир Мау
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #56,562
Радаев Вадим Vadim Radaev
Радаев Вадим Vadim Radaev
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #59,284
Наталия Александровна Казакова
Наталия Александровна Казакова
Economics & Econometrics
Accounting & Finance
World Rank #61,619
Mikhail Lebedev
Mikhail Lebedev
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #64,335
Volgograd State Technical University: Top 10 Scientists
Vladimir Alexandrovich Babkin
Vladimir Alexandrovich Babkin
Natural Sciences
Chemical Sciences
World Rank #69,399
Nikolay Lomakin
Nikolay Lomakin
Economics & Econometrics
Banking and Insurance
World Rank #316,402
Aleksey F. Rogachev
Aleksey F. Rogachev
Natural Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
World Rank #360,344
Александр Александрович Рыбанов|Rybanov Alexander Aleksandrovich
Александр Александрович Рыбанов|Rybanov Alexander Aleksandrovich
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #385,430
Вадим Чернышев
Вадим Чернышев
Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering
World Rank #471,210
Парыгин Данила Сергеевич
Парыгин Данила Сергеевич
Architecture and Design
Urban Planning
World Rank #488,039
Елена Анатольевна Кленина
Елена Анатольевна Кленина
Social Sciences
World Rank #541,622
Maxim Shcherbakov
Maxim Shcherbakov
Engineering & Technology
Computer Science
World Rank #551,977
Леонид Гуревич
Леонид Гуревич
Engineering & Technology
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
World Rank #578,865
Даниил Петрович Фролов Daniil P. Frolov
Даниил Петрович Фролов Daniil P. Frolov
Economics & Econometrics
World Rank #608,854