In National Research University Higher School of Economics (3,694) In Russia (46,332) In Europe (783,429) World (2,400,031)
H Index (Total) 20 #261 #3,501 #166,277 #461,110
H Index (Last 6 Years) 15 #205 #2,725 #167,154 #???
H Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio
i10 Index (Total) 26 #350 #5,441 #189,222 #???
i10 Index (Last 6 Years) 17 #263 #4,043 #191,792 #???
i10 Index Last 6 years / Total Ratio 65%
Citation (Total) 1,388 #344 #4,182 #193,168 #???
Citation (Last 6 Years) 795 #263 #3,134 #184,968 #???
Citation Last 6 years / Total Ratio 57%
Business & Management * #18
(85) *
(1,087) *
(25,186) *
(83,522) *
Entrepreneurship *
Innovation Studies | STI | computational social science | STS | evidence-based policy |
(9) *
(87) *
(2,910) *
(7,386) *
Oct 10, 2024 | According to Total H Index | BETA VERSION Subject Field Ranking Notice: Please note that the subject field rankings for the world, region, country, and university are in the Beta Version due to the exclusion of profiles classified under 'Others' (1.014.106 scientists whose branches have not been determined or updated). These rankings will adjust as profiles are updated Top %3 Indicator: The 'Top 3%' label indicates that a scientist ranks within the top 3% of all scientists in the AD Scientific Index for their specific subject field at the institutional, country, or world level. Reporting Inappropriate Profiles: To report inappropriate, inaccurate, or unethical profiles, including deceased scientists or profiles that require deletion, please contact [email protected]. In line with our Data Privacy Policy, if you wish to have your personal information removed, please email [email protected]. We will delete your data within 5 business days. Free Updates: To update your university or institution name, please email [email protected] with your AD Scientific Index ID and supporting documentation. Membership click here.
Google Scholar Visit Web Page
AD Scientific Index ID 1101682
Web Of Science Researcher ID
H-Index , Verified Peer Reviews, Citing Articles
Scopus Author ID
H-Index, Citations, Documents
Research Interest Score, h-index
Academic Degree

Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management / Entrepreneurship

Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
>Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В. National Research University Higher School of Economics World Rank #125,609
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
>Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration World Rank #139,724
Татьяна Морозова
>Татьяна Морозова
Татьяна Морозова Southern Federal University World Rank #181,242
Александр Гретченко
>Александр Гретченко
Александр Гретченко Plekhanov Russian University of Economics World Rank #183,169
Наталия Ивановна Ануфриева
>Наталия Ивановна Ануфриева
Наталия Ивановна Ануфриева Russian State Social University World Rank #194,321
Dmitry L. Musolin
>Dmitry L. Musolin
Dmitry L. Musolin Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy World Rank #201,052
Samrat Ray
>Samrat Ray
Samrat Ray Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University World Rank #206,177
Maxim Kotsemir Коцемир Максим Николаевич
>Maxim Kotsemir Коцемир Максим Николаевич
Maxim Kotsemir Коцемир Максим Николаевич National Research University Higher School of Economics World Rank #207,765
Irina A. Krasyuk Красюк И. А.
>Irina A. Krasyuk Красюк И. А.
Irina A. Krasyuk Красюк И. А. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University World Rank #297,052
Natalia Dneprovskaya
>Natalia Dneprovskaya
Natalia Dneprovskaya Plekhanov Russian University of Economics World Rank #345,414

Russia: Top 10 Scientists in Business & Management

Alexander Fedorov
>Alexander Fedorov
Alexander Fedorov Business & Management Communications and Media Studies World Rank #31,407
Федоров А.В.
>Федоров А.В.
Федоров А.В. Business & Management Communications and Media Studies World Rank #38,036
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
>Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova
Елена Вартанова Elena Vartanova Business & Management Communications and Media Studies World Rank #78,596
Виктор Сергеев
>Виктор Сергеев
Виктор Сергеев Business & Management Business Administration World Rank #83,437
Игорь Кублин
>Игорь Кублин
Игорь Кублин Business & Management Marketing World Rank #106,755
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
>Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В.
Galina Shirokova|Широкова Г.В. Business & Management Entrepreneurship World Rank #125,609
Мельник Галина Сергеевна
>Мельник Галина Сергеевна
Мельник Галина Сергеевна Business & Management Communications and Media Studies World Rank #134,986
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
>Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович
Stepan Zemtsov Земцов Степан Петрович|Stepan Zemtsov, Земцов Степан, Земцов Степан Петрович Business & Management Entrepreneurship World Rank #139,724
Андрей Владимирович Кириллов
>Андрей Владимирович Кириллов
Андрей Владимирович Кириллов Business & Management Business Administration World Rank #145,617
Valerii L. Muzykant Валерий Леонидович Музыкант
>Valerii L. Muzykant Валерий Леонидович Музыкант
Valerii L. Muzykant Валерий Леонидович Музыкант Business & Management Marketing World Rank #149,957

Russia: Similarly Ranked Academics in Business & Management / Entrepreneurship